:: Products

PCT-7303C, PCT-7303E

The PCT-7303C/E card is determined especially for position sensor with quadrature signals, thanks to widely configurable input signal encoders are inteded for use in many other applications though.

Both cards provide three 24-bit counters that allow unidirectional and bidirectional counting with configurable length. Counters are connected to the encoders, which are programmable to a wide variety of modes.

PCT-7303C and PCT-7303E as well use RS-422 standard compliant inputs with the only difference - inputs of PCT-7303E card are isolated.

Every counter is fitted with two capture registers for reading; the first serves for the counter state reading "in running", the other for state capture via the external input. The capture registers can be configured freely, so the state capture can be individual for every counter, or together for all counters in same time. Moreover, every counter is equipped with two programmable comparators allowing to set upper and lower threshold limit; the comparators can call the PC interrupt or drive the special digital outputs directly (so-called "real-time" outputs).

Input encoders support not only standard quadrature signals (X1, X2 and X4 modes with optional positive or negative reset signal), but also the "up/down" mode (one signal serves for incrementation, the second for decrementation and the third for reset), the "count/dir" mode (one signal serves for the pulse counting, the second for selecting the count direction, and the third for reset) and the "count/gate" mode (one signal serves for the incrementation, the second for the counter blocking and the third for reset).

Both cards provide also eight digital inputs and eight digital outputs.

The card also includes IRQ logic with eight interrupt sources derived from comparators, programmable FIFO flag and from the internal timer. The timer allows the user (together with the period setup, startup and stop) to read back its actual state.

All DAQ PCI cards "C" series are equipped CardID - two segment DIP switch that allows to recognise up to 4 cards (especially when installing multiple cards of the same type).

Counter inputs are accessible via the D-Sub 25 connector, real-time digital outputs via D-Sub 9 connector then; both of them are placed on the card mounting bracket. The digital ports are accessible via the PCE-16xx series adaptor (not included), using the card mounting bracket with two D-Sub 25 or D-Sub 9 connectors.

Key features of PCT-7303C/E

PCT-7303C/E diferences

Isolation of counter inputs at PCT-7303E is the only diference between both version.

Delivery details

The product packet includes the PCI card only, all documentation and software are available in the Download section.


Type PCT-7303C
Number and type of counters 3x 24-bit bidirectional with programmable encoders
Counter inputs signal level RS-422, TTL
Counter inputs ESD
surge protection
20A, 8/20 µs, IEC 801-5 (TVS diodes 6V4/200W)
Counter inputs isolation 1kVDC (600VDC when ESD-X2 used)
(PCT-7303E only)
Isolation protection Surge arrester CG5-600L
(ESD-X2 option)
Encoder modes quadrature (X1, X2, X4)
Counter inputs frequency 8MHz max. (quadrature modes, phase frequency)
16MHz max. (all other modes, clock frequency)
(maximum frequency is defined for signal asymmetry 40/60% max., the rule applies to all modes)
Number of digital inputs 8
Digital inputs signal level TTL/HC (±24V overvoltage protected)
Number of digital outputs 8
Digital outputs signal level TTL/HC
Interrupt sources output of six comparators
programmable FIFO flag
internal timer 1÷255ms
Bus type PCI, 3V3/5V, 32-bit, 33MHz
(64-bit PCI and PCI-X compatible)
I/O and MEM address,
Interrupt channels
assigned by PnP PCI BIOS
Dimensions approx. 90x130 mm
Weight approx. 90 g
Weight and dimensions
of product packaging
approx. 140 g
cardboard box approx. 180x130x40 mm